السبت، 11 فبراير 2012

علم الاستقلال أم علم المملكة

يعتقد الكثيرون أن العلم الذي اتخذه الليبيون شعارا لهم خلال ثورة 17 فبراير المجيدة ضد الطاغية الدجال مرتبط باستقلال ليبيا و يسمونه "علم الاستقلال"، و هذا غير صحيح، و أخشى أن يكون هناك مؤامرة خفية وراء الموضوع لا سمح الله.

استقبال الملك محمد إدريس السنوسي بالرايات السنوسية
هذا العلم لم يرد وصفه في إعلان الاستقلال الذي صدر في 24/12/1951، بل ورد في الدستور الليبي الذي أصدرته الجمعية الوطنية الليبية في 7 /10/1951، أي قبل شهرين و 23 يوما من إعلان الاستقلال، و الذي  ينص في مقدمته – و بكل وضوح - على أن نظام الحكم في ليبيا هو نظام ملكي ، و في المادة 7 تم وصف العلم المعروف، أما المادة 44 فتنص على اسم الملك محمد إدريس السنوسي تحديدا كملك للبلاد، و المادة 45 تنص على أن عرش المملكة وراثي.
و بما أن الشكل يجب أن يدل على المضمون (أظن أنك ستغضب لو اشتريت علبة مرسوم عليها طماطم ، فوجدت بداخلها فول مثلا) لذا فها العلم لا يصلح – في رأيي - إلا إذا نص الدستور الجديد على النظام الملكي ، بل تحديدا تحت الحكم السنوسي. و الإعلان الدستوري لا يحتج به، حيث أنه إعلان مؤقت تم إصداره على عجل دون طويل دراسة أو عميق تفكير، و قد رحبنا جميعا بهذه الراية حيث يكفي أنها تختلف عن راية الطاغية المقبور ، و أن لها في قلوبنا و عقولنا ذكرى طيبة، خاصة نحن كبار السن، أما القتال فلم يكن من أجل الراية بل من أجل الحرية و الكرامة و خير الوطن.

و نأتي الآن لتحليل رمزية العلم، لنرى مدى مناسبتها لنا كشعب مسلم، و دولة فتية تنال حريتها بدماء أبنائها.

علم تركيا
أولا الألوان:
يعتبر اللون الأسود هو اللون الغالب على العلم حيث يشغل هذا اللون حوالي نصف مساحة العلم ، و هو يمثل شعار السنوسية (كحركة صوفية دينية ترجع أصولها إلى الدولة العباسية) ، و كذلك التبعية لدولة تركيا التي تتخذ من النجمة الخماسية و الهلال شعارا لها.

اللون الأحمر أيضا مأخوذ من علم تركيا من عهد السلطنة حتى الآن مرورا بعهد "أتاتورك" العلماني ، و هو من يهود الدونما المعروفين. و قيل أنه يرمز إلى فترة الجهاد الدموي الذي خاضه الشعب الليبي ، و قد يعتبر مقبولا لولا أنه رمز للشيوعية و الماركسية القمعية الملحدة.
أما اللون الأخضر فهو رغم جمال رمزيته، فقد سبب عقدة نفسية لليبيين بسبب اتخاذ الطاغية له رمزا عممه على كل شيء أسود من نتاج عقله المريض، و حدث و لا حرج عن الكتاب الأخضر و العلم الأخضر و الساحة الخضراء و الزحف الأخضر..إلخ.

النجمة الخماسية أو رأس بافوميت الماسوني
ثانيا النجمة:
تعتبر النجمة الخماسية من أهم رموز الماسونية العالمية، و قد عملت هذه المنظمة الخبيثة على نشرها في كافة دول العالم ، حيث تبنتها كثير من الدول (عن علم أو عن جهل) إما على أعلامها أو على أكتاف ضباطها أو غير ذلك.
وهي من أهم طقوس عبادة الشيطان حيث أنها تمثل رأس بافوميت (Baphomet)، و هو إله الشر عند الإغريق، أو الشيطان عند أصحاب الديانات السماوية. و يعتقد عبدة الشيطان أن كل اتجاه من اتجاهات النجمة الخماسية يمثل مارد من أقوى الشياطين.
وتمثل الاتجاهات حسب عقيدة عبدة الشيطان:
 1 -  ليموناي : هذه الحية التي كانت حارسة أبواب الجنة والتي سمحت لإبليس بالعبور لإغواء آدم فانتقم منها الرب بأن انزلها على الأرض فأعلنت العصيان. 2 -  لورد بيليل : هذا أقوى من إبليس نفسه وهو اله الجحيم ويقال انه تعارك مع الله في أقدم معركة في التاريخ وقتله الله ورمى روحه في جهنم وعندما أعلن إبليس العصيان على الله انشغل الله بطرد الشيطان ـ فانتهز بيليل الفرصة وهرب إلى الأرض 3 - لورد باثن : هذا من اخطر الشياطين فهو المسئول عن السحر الأسود وهو يدعم عباد الشيطان على الأرض بكل شيء يتمنوه لقاء التضحيات البشرية. 4 – لوسيفير (إله النور) : ويقال انه الابن الأكبر لإبليس.
5 - سيتان : وهو الشيطان نفسه ويمثل طاقة الأرض أو الروح السفلية.
إن القوة الغامضة في النجمة تمثل شكلها الخماسي فمن خلال طقوس معينة تستطيع أن تأسر أي جن أو شيطان تريده ، ففي السحر الشرقي ( الشعوذة ) تمثل هذه النجمة دور كبير في الحجب والطلاسم.

الهلال الطالع (الرمز الإسلامي الحقيقي) صورة حقيقية
ثالثا الهلال:
لقد اتخذ المسلمون الهلال رمزا منذ ضحى الإسلام، حيث أن الهلال يرمز إلى الاستهلال، أي البداية، و هم دائما ينتظرون ظهور الهلال لا أفوله، مثل هلال رمضان أو هلال العيد أو هلال ذو الحجة أو هلال المحرم مثلا، لذلك فقد رسم المسلمون الأوائل الهلال كما هو في وقت الظهور و ليس وقت الأفول، ثم جعلوه أيقونة على قباب و مآذن المساجد و لكن خبثاء الماسون تدخلوا مثل كل مرة ليفسدوا كل شيء فقلبوا الهلال رمزا إلى أفول حضارة الإسلام و وضعوه على هيئة حرف C ، و مرة أخرى شرب المسلمون المقلب و اتخذوه شعارا لهم و خاصة على الأعلام بالإضافة إلى رأس بافوميت (النجمة الخماسية) ، و لم ينج من ذلك سوى علم دولة تركمانستان التي وضعت الهلال ، و لكنها وقعت في رأس بافوميت ، بل زادت الطين بلـّة بوضع خمس رؤوس بدل الواحد.

بافوميت - إله الشر - الشيطان و النجمة الخماسية على جبينه و يشير بيديه إلى أفول الإسلام (هلال إسلامي أسود هابط) و صعود الماسونية (هلال ماسوني أبيض صاعد)
و إذا قدمنا حسن النية و قلنا بأن كل تلك الرموز قد وضعت عن جهل، فماذا نحن فاعلون الآن و قد تكشفت لنا الحقائق.
علم دولة تركمانستان
إخوتي الأفاضل ما عليكم سوى البحث في الشبكة، و سيتضح لكم صدق كلامي، و فوقه الكثير، و الكثير جدا.

مهندس / خالد أبوخبطة
تجمع ليبيا الرخاء

الجمعة، 10 فبراير 2012

Memorandum of claim

Memorandum of claim and request to consider the Tyrant "Muammar Al-Gaddafi" as an international and historical criminal

In the name of God the Mercifu,l and Praise be to Allah, and no aggression except against the oppressors.
In our names, and the names of every free noble genuine Libyan citizen, we accuse the vagabond tyrant "Muammar Al-Gaddafi" and claim him as follows:
First: before the glorious revolution of February 17 (Vice Antichrist)
1.      Posing as a Libyan Muslim in coordination with foreign countries and other suspicious organizations, and his marriage to a Muslim woman, in contrary to Islamic law (he does not relate to Muslim or Libyan origins, by any means).
2. The overthrow of the Libyan Constitutional regime by the use of armed force; conspiring with foreign countries and other suspicious organizations.
3. Disabling the Libyan constitution and all laws derived from it, what is considered as deliberate sabotage of the state system and administrative institutions.
4. Spy on the Libyan people, and some Arab governments and bodies (such as the Arab League) for the benefit of governments and hostile foreign bodies.
5. Compulsory systematic un-educating of the Libyan people by:
A. Prevent the circulation of books for over 10 years and the prohibition of many scientific, religious and historic books for more than 35 years.
B. The destruction of the formal education through the assignment of officials in the education sector - at all levels - from those losers scientifically and administratively and morally, and reduced budgets for education and scientific research to a minimum, the establishing of backward curricula, frustration of teachers scientifically psychologically and physically, frustration of students because of the lack of job opportunities upon graduation, and mobilizing (arming) schools, and limiting opportunities for graduation those loyal to him personally; such as members of the revolutionary committees and employees of the security forces.
C. The neglect of all public libraries and cultural centers, never increased the number and never tried to develop them (which led to the closure of most of them), also totally depriving many towns and villages of them.
D. Causing failure of the Libyan media; by extreme intellectual ban, and mostly confined to topics and programs that glorify, and praise him and his vicious demonic concepts, and his family members, as well as some trivial programs leading to intellectual and moral corruption.
E. Stopping the mosque's cultural and scientific message, by banning religious lessons and lectures, science workshops, and the persecution of preachers, elders and religious scholars, and torturing them.
F. The removal of subsidies on the prices of the books (after the total ban) and exaggeration of those rates by imposing a number of taxes and customs duties and fees on them, and also subject them to strict security control.
G. Terrifying students and university professors, and execution of many of them in university campus, and arresting large numbers of them and subjected them to torture and imprisonment for many years; without any guilt but proposing an idea or ​​expressing an opinion contrary to his ideas and views.
H. diffusion of the habit of cheating in exams at all levels of education, and work deliberately to spread it, and do not try to combat this phenomenon in any way.
I. Denial of foreign language learning for many years, and lack of attention to it later.
J. Imposing the teaching of his sick ideas and false theories which are not only in contrary with the divine laws, but even with the facts of the axioms of science and reason and logic.  
K. Attempt to blur and distort the Islamic, Arabic and Libyan history, and try to pick off the Libyans for their historical roots and civilization identity, and kill the spirit of citizenship and belonging in them.
L. Lack of interest in the establishment of cultural and entertainment facilities; such as cinemas, theaters, opera houses and art galleries, sports stadiums, etc., as well as the neglect of all those interested in such activities such as artists, writers, composers, and theatrical and musical bands  and sports teams, and even fight them and abuse them in many cases.
M. Granting scientific Certificates to non deservers without examination or even study at all in many cases, either for services provided to the regime, or a bribe.

6. Deliberate intellectual corruption revealed in: A. Development of a misleading philosophy that permits of people, or the State (represented by him and his family) the takeover on other people's properties unjustly, with some sayings such as "House for its resident", and " car for its driver", and "land for its cultivator" and "the land does not belong to anybody ". What caused the loss of rights, and spread sedition and hater between members of society.
B. Development of a misleading philosophy that Denys what God has permitted such as; trade, work for wages and owning property for investment and rent, with some sayings such as "the trade is an exploitative phenomenon " and "partners not employees", which was a deterioration of the economic situation and the housing crisis, which in turn caused many social problems.
C. Development of a misleading philosophy that spoiled the political life, crimination party work, and parliamentary with some sayings such as " party work is a treason" and "representation is a quackery."
D. Development of a misleading philosophy that would destroy the conservative and religious Libyan society, such as inviting women to join the army, and service within his bodyguards, and the establishment of the movement of "revolutionary nuns" preventing them from marriage, in contrary to Islamic law, and the principle of justice not taking into account the differences between people, and calling for the deployment of family and social disputes, and encouraging immorality and vice.
E. Development of a misleading philosophy that permits for the Libyan the killing or persecution of his brother, with the claim of betrayal "of the revolution or its leader or a member of his family or his ideas and theories".
F. Corrupt and delinquent Interpreted of a number of religious texts for and denying the noble Sunna (of the Prophet) as whole and details, and  the clear distortion of the holy Koran, and the denial of a number of legitimate matters; well known by all Muslims.
G. Attempt to give an aura of holiness and glorification to himself (the great international leader, the only Falcon, The Arab Nation Secretary, the king of kings of Africa  ... etc).
H. Trying to blur the identity of the homeland and kill the sense of citizenship in the Libyans, and erase the name of "Libya" from their memory, and replace it with name "Jamahiriya" which reflects nothing but his political charlatanism and his major lie.
I. Instilling chronic fear and phobia in the hearts of Libyans, and humiliation of the citizens by making them stand in long lines - sometimes for several days - for acquiring an important commodity or getting a necessary service.
J. The use of conjuration, black magic and sorcery in attempt to influence the hearts and minds of people, and sow fear and feelings of frustration and surrender in them.

7. The destruction of the Libyan economy totally - or almost - by:
A. Hiding most of the Libyan income during the entire period of his rule, or could have given it away to the states and foreign bodies in conspiracy with him.
B. Stealing more than 200 billion dollars of the Libyan 's wealth and hide them in foreign banks in his personal favor and for the benefit of his family members and his gangsters.
C. Withdrawing an amount of the balance gold of Libya from the international banks and dispose of it illegally, which led to the devaluation of the Libyan dinar globally from 300 dirhams for a dollar to 450 dirhams for a dollar, then sell the dollar in an unnatural and unlawful unreal rate to the Libyan people (ranges between 1.30 and 3.00 dinars to a dollar).
D. Spare the oil and gas and derivatives income of the trade balance, which led to the stability of the Dinar and its inability to rise against other currencies.
E. The withdrawal of several tons of gold from the Central Bank of Libya and smuggling a part of it, and hide the rest in unknown destinations.
F. Excessive spending of state treasury without accounting or control, for his personal security and pleasures and the pleasures of his sons, his family members, his relatives and his gangsters.
G. Freezing the Libyan employee's salary (and bonuses attached to it) whether in the government or public companies; for more than 35 years (the so-called law 15) which led to his poverty and weaken the ability of investment, and caused a number of social, psychological, and physical diseases. From the most serious outbreak of bribery and usury, theft and trading in the taboos, infringing on state funds, preventing the legitimate charity, and the high age of marriage (male and female spinsters), and inability to provide basic needs such as residence, food, medical services  and education.
H. The imposition of several taxes and fees on the ordinary citizen - unlawfully - such as the gun's cost (which has never been received by the citizen) and Man Made River tax, and markets support tax, and the dinar tax, and fund jihad (against his people; may be!) and others.
I. Lack of attention to comprehensive economic and social development, leading to raising the real estate prices in a legendary way, as well as building materials and other essential items, and widespread of unemployment, especially among the youth, which is the basic productive power of society.
J. Neglect a number of economic resources of the country, and wasted a number of them; such as tourism, trade, industry, agriculture, solar energy and marine resources, and some metals such as iron, silicon, mica and gas, which are available in excellent economic quantities in Libya.
K. Fabricating some economic projects and then work to make them fail and deliberately looted, and ask the simple government employees to support those projects and compensation their losses, and deduct the value of those losses from their salaries by force.
L. Neglecting and Compromising the Uzu sector of Libya, rich in natural resources, and lack of seriousness in the claim through the legal and legitimate political ways.
M. Importing large quantities of weapons and ammunition that are good for nothing but only the suppression of the people, or the attack on weak peoples and threatening them, and selling quantities of those weapons at very low prices, and delivery of other quantities to global terrorist organizations.
N. Import large quantities of useless or expired goods or those do not fit the needs of the Libyan market, and then dispose them, or force his citizens to buy them.

8. The destruction of Libyan citizens' health by: A. Neglect of medical faculties and medical technology and nursing schools, and try to destroy them just like other educational facilities.
B. Failure to establish medical and health research centers, and the neglecting the available ones.
C. The neglect of all health facilities such as hospitals, clinics and health centers, and lack of maintenance, equipping or furnishing properly, for many years.
D. Assigning a number of losers and administrative and financial corrupt management; of a large number of health facilities, and institutions supervising them, at all levels.
E. Neglect of control on the import of medicines, food, seeds, fertilizers, animals, and feeds.
F. Deliberate neglect of cleanliness of the cities and villages, which led to the spread of dirt and waste in every place, and put garbage dumps in front of schools, mosques, residential areas and near universities. And lack of interest in recycling the garbage and scrap, or take any advantage of them.
G. Lack of attention to purify sewage before disposal, or used for useful purposes.
H. Dumping of waste in the sea and prairie, and lack of attention to their cleanliness.
I. Prevent the citizens from treatment abroad at the expense of the state, only through, mediation, bribery and favoritism.
J. Destruction of the environment through deforestation (for giving them away to his gangsters or to be used as barracks) and the construction of dams incorrectly, and not to exploit the waters, and depletion of limited natural water supply, without trying to find alternatives to it.
K. Not to create environment friendly facilities such as gardens, parks, forests, protected wild areas and artificial lakes, and the neglect of what was available; for so many years, which led to the deterioration of her conditions, and damage of many of them.
L. Importing large quantities of expired or corrupt or weak drugs or with harmful effect, especially those affecting negatively the fertility and progeny.

9. The destruction of political life by: A. Abrogation of the Constitution, and not to create a new constitution, which would lead to political chaos and instability.
B. Criminalization of the parliamentary and party work, including torture of anyone calls for them.
C. Circulate the big lie of "popular power" and imposing it with the power of (iron and fire) and used that to disclaim him and his gangsters) of any responsibility, at any time they want, but virtually grip the reins of power (big and small matters) in the country.
D. Circulate the big lie of escalation "Tasseid" that lead to the production of a copy of disfigured Parliament called the "General People's Congress" and other disfigured government, called  "the General People's Committee" ,and lead to plant the seeds of strife, discord and hatred between individuals, tribes and regions.
E. Grip on the reins of power for 42 years and trying to bequeathing the country and (the necks of slaves) to his sons.
F. Appointing losers and incompetent at government and administrative positions, and the adoption of the principle of loyalty to his person instead of efficiency, and loyalty to the homeland; as a principle to take over leadership positions (differing from the Prime Minister to school administrators).
G. Lack of independence of the judiciary and the subjugating it to the authority of the government and to his authority and power of his sons, and his security agencies.
H. Cancel and destroy most of the components of civil society and work to undermine and marginalize the rest.

10. Violation of human rights by: A. Configure a large number of intelligence and security agencies, assigned to protect him (the tyrant), and provoke them against each other and against the citizens, and illegally spy on all their privacy, which led to the creation of doubt and suspicion and discord among all members and segments of society.
B. Detention and arrest of citizens and inspecting their homes and their workplaces, and looting their contents, and subvert them, by security or military agencies, or police without bill of indictment, arrest warrant, inspection warrant, or any other legal proceedings.
C. Prevalence of torture in all prisons (without exception) as well as police stations and prosecutors, and ill-treatment; even of the complainants.
D. Merging of prisoners of all categories and ages and the charges; with each other, this led to the spread of diseases, moral corruption, and violation.
E. Annexation of thousands of young students and staff to the army by force and for too long years, and prevent them from achieving their future the way they want, in addition to pushing thousands of them in futile wars.
F. Poor living conditions in prisons, detention camps, and training army camps.
G. The use of obscene words and degrading treatment during the investigation of any citizen, as well as at military training of soldiers and officers, both of officials or conscripts, in addition to some of the degrading practices such as forced diving in sewage, beating, trampling underfoot, and others.
H. Breaking into houses and rape, and seizing people's property unlawfully or illegally.
I. Prison for very long periods (with torture in most cases) without investigation or trial or indictment.
J. Murder of prisoners - thousands - without trial  at all Libyan prisons, especially the bad reputation prison of "Abu Salim".
K. Deliberately infecting hundreds of children with serious disease viruses. L. Involving the country in unwarranted wars (which led to the killing of thousands of Libyans) and attacking a number of neighboring peaceful peoples, killing thousands of innocent persons of them, and the destruction of their towns and villages, without any right.
M. Execution of many of the wounded Libyans (in his illegal wars) in very brutal ways, such as throwing them alive into the sea from planes.
N. Fabricating a large number of accidents for murdering his opponents, those whom he fear information reveal, or to gain some political positions; such as the bombing of the civilian aircraft, in route from Benghazi to Tripoli, and other incidents.
Q. Silence on, and deliberate neglect to claim the rights of Libyans abroad who were killed without guilt, such as the Libyan passenger plane shot down by Israeli forces over the Sinai in 1973.
P. Persecution of some groups of Libyan society, political and cultural ethnicity, and digestion of their rights and obliterate their identity.

11. Discredit Libya and Libyans abroad by:
A. The use of sick media to show Libyans in the form of a backward Bedouin community, or in the form of terrorists, anarchists, and the opacity upon creators in all social fields and jihad, and in scientific, cultural, artistic fields, and even to sports.
B. Fabricating a number of wars with neighboring countries such as Egypt, Tunisia and Chad.
C. Fabricating a number of political crises with many countries of the world without justification.
D. Encourage and support global terrorism and the implementation of some terrorist operations directly.
E. Waving the production of weapons of mass destruction and use them against some foreign countries.
F. Adoption of the principle of (Arab nationalism) and then deny it, and fabricate some attempts to unite with some Arab countries and then intentionally thwart such attempts, to show the lack of usefulness.
G. The support of some non-Arab countries against some Arab countries such as support for Iran against Iraq (politically and militarily).
H. Attempt to penetrate the "Palestine Liberation Organization" and divided and weaken it.
I. Attempt to show the Libyan tourist look "poor and ignorant", or (rich and arrogant) by manipulating travel and tourism money allocations, and other evil ways.
J. Commissioning a number of incompetent political and diplomatic leadership positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its diplomatic missions and temporary fixed.
K. Murdering and attempt to murder some Libyan and Arab leaders and political personages (such as the assassination of Imam Musa al-Sadr and attempt the assassination of Mr. Abdul-Hamid Baccouche and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia).
L. Engagement in a large number of failed and suspicious economic deals, and assigning venal and corrupt persons to hold those deals.

12. Dissemination of moral, social, and administrative corruption by: A. Prevent and combat religious lessons and lectures of religious preaching and counseling, and abuse Sheiks and religious scholars and preachers, degrading them and making fun of them.
B. Poor salaries and the severe shortage of employment opportunities, leading to a sense frustration among youth and state employees, and many of them drift.
C. Delay the age of marriage for both sexes, by weakening the financial conditions and fabricating housing crisis.
D. Invitation to unveiling and forced mixing of the sexes in schools and all state facilities.
E. Forcibly involving women in areas do not fit with their femininity, which leads to loss of politeness, decency and modesty, such as the imposition of military training in schools, and others.
F. Clear call to the public nudity, adultery and prostitution (in his speech in front of the imams and mosque preachers - 27 Ramadan 1986) and seek to spread that in various ways, and negligence fighting and controlling it.
G. Supply of large quantities of narcotic drugs of various kinds, and negligence fighting and controlling them, except as specifically lists without permission from him or from his gangsters.
H. Corrupting the receivables through the publication of bribery in all areas, even in judiciary and various police configurations.
I. Tolerance and negligence in the application of deterrent laws of perverts; such as thieves, embezzlers, corrupt, thugs, vandals and smugglers, and even rewarding them with promotions and positions; especially if they are state employees.
J. Tolerance and neglect to punish state officials for negligence and haughtiness, upon citizens, and those who abuse them.  
K. Lack of social and media enlightenment and meaningful programs, but disseminate TV series and programs, calling for the deviation in intellectual and moral behavior, and family disintegration; instead.
L. Constant change of the laws, and the large number of decisions and regulations, and put it in a deliberate and systematic way; so that lead to chaos, conflict, and overlapping functions and terms of reference, and thus to strife and discord among the people.
M. Try to upset the social fabric by bringing tens of thousands of individuals and families from African and Arab countries, and integrate them in the Libyan society, and bringing a number of them, and empowered them upon the rest of the Libyan people.
N. Hit the tribal structure of the Libyan society through the formation of a new class of dignitaries; most of them financially and morally corrupt, or adulators to him and his family and his gangsters, And never tried to form a civil society alternative.

13. Destruction of Libya's infrastructure and construction by:
A. Preventing the comprehensive social and economic development, which led to the accumulation of population in cities and specific areas, and not others, what caused consequent severe pressure on infrastructure and its misuse and inadequate.
B. Blocking the establishment of new schemes (land plans), without justification, especially in large cities, which led to the emergence of random buildings and areas that lack basic infrastructure and public services.
C. Assigning unqualified persons in terms of integrity, character, scientific competence and experience, for contracting (for the establishment), management and maintenance of the infrastructure projects, which led to the illegitimate incredible wealth of those people at the expense of the quality of the implementation of those projects and their suitability for the environment and community needs.
D. Lack of studies, and accurate and scientifically correct plans, for projects that are implemented, which led to the destruction and re-implementation of many of them several times.
E. Neglect of infrastructure facilities such as; water, electricity, telephones and sewage lines, roads, sidewalks and parking lots, for many years, and not to attempt to maintain or restore, develop or increase their capacity in line with the increase in the population and circumstances of the times and the scientific and technical evolution.
F. Deployment of military camps and security centers in cities and urban centers, in an exaggerated manner.
G. deprivation of many areas within the cities (including the capital and major cities) of development, and left them to appear as areas left behind, without paved streets or sidewalks or a decent car parking.
H. Neglect of many public buildings; such as religious, educational and administrative buildings, and lack of maintenance or development for many years.
I. Neglect of buildings of architectural, archaeological or historical or cultural, value, and demolition of many of them.
J. Exaggeration in the demolition and removal of many buildings and facilities (especially during the last years of his odious rule) without gradually replacement with another ones, note that most of those buildings or housing is the only livelihood for many Libyan families.
K. Putting too many restrictions on contractors and companies implementing projects, especially the privately owned by Libyans, and disabling the pay of their dues for many years, and forcing them to pay high bribes to get those receivables, which impacts negatively the quality and duration of implementation.
L. The imposition of silly and impossible laws and regulations for granting of building permits (pigeon towers , bread ovens, table of spaces .. etc) and the neglect of the important prerequisites for architectural style, engineering specifications and technical requirements to implement all types of structures, and do not review or amend those laws for many years.

Second: during the glorious revolution of February 17 (Hitler II and Holocaust 2011)
1. The use of regular armed forces of the security battalions and some of the intelligence services to brutally kill unarmed peaceful demonstrators, using light medium and heavy firearms to kill thousands of demonstrators in various cities and villages.
2. Procurement and training of thousands of mercenaries from outside the country and order them to kill unarmed Libyan civilian citizens, using light and heavy firearms,.
3. Bombing of many inhabited cities, villages and neighborhoods and public utilities and private property with heavy weapons, which led to the fall of thousands of victims of innocent women, children and elderly and infirm persons, even those who did not participate in the demonstrations.  
4. Violation of the honor (rape) of thousands of free Libyan women in very brutal ways, and often rape was carried out by groups (not individuals) of Libyan soldiers and foreigners mostly Africans), leading to permanent disabilities such as broken spinal columns, etc., and many victims may have been killed and dead during or after the of rape, as to the rape was in the presence of the victims' families in many other cases, going to extremes in insult, humiliation and physical and psychological torture.  
5. Rape of many Libyan children of both sexes in very brutal ways, and often rape was carried out by groups (not individuals) of Libyan soldiers and foreigners. Victims of rape have been killed in many cases.
6. Arrest of tens of thousands of young Libyan boys and girls (mostly just for suspicion of demonstration), and thrown into prisons lack the minimum requirements of life, and tortured in various ways, which led to the martyrdom of many of them under torture.
7. Inventing torture and brutality ways have not used before, even by the most notorious tyrants of history, including:

A. Use of electric shocks, especially on sensitive organs of the body.
B. Burning with fire and with hot tools and materials.
C. Severe beatings, especially on sensitive areas of the body, which lead to permanent disabilities.
D. Pricking various fishing hooks in sensitive parts of the body, and drag violently to rupture them and lead to permanent disabilities.
E. Wound with sharp tools, uprooting nails and cutting organs.
F. Rape of both sexes, sexual abuse and the use of rough or sharp tools or animals for that.
G. Making prisoners deeply thirsty, then quenching, and then fastening the urethra with metal or plastic wires and throwing them in closed containers to suffer until death.
H. imprisonment in closed containers and put it in the sun until the death of prisoners as a result of heat, suffocation, hunger and thirst.

2. Killing in very brutal ways such as; strangulation knife slaughtering, crushing, incineration and burying (alive).
3. Mutilation of the bodies of prisoners and the dead, burning them and hiding their features.
4. Bulldozing and digging the graves of the martyrs, and throwing their bodies in the open (among them there were girls knife slaughtered and their naked bodies on the roadsides.
5. Execution of many of the officers and soldiers who refused the tyrant's orders to kill civilians.
6. The destruction of many buildings, mosques, educational and public and private buildings.
7. Taking civilians as human shields, as well as shielding inside religious buildings and residential neighborhoods.
8. Deployment of professional snipers - who have been attracted as mercenaries from Europe, Africa and Latin America - on the roofs of buildings, and enable them to kill civilians, with the difficulty of being spotted or being aware of them.
9. Shelling some cities, such as "Misurata" and "Brega"; with "Scud" missiles that have massive destructive power.
10. Contempt Libyans openly, and described them with the ugliest qualities, such as: rats, dirty, licey, traitors, enemy agents, hallucinates and drug users.
11. Harnessing radio and television stations to confuse people and spread rumors and lies, and broadcast sedition on division, spite, and hatred between the sons of one people and one country, and antagonize between them.
12. Attempt to deceive the public opinion (local and global) by showing the dead bodies of demonstrators and some bodies of children from hospitals, and claim that they were killed by the Allied bombing, also allegation (lie) of killing some of his sons and grandchildren due to the bombing.
13. Bringing in; many foreign experts, and vagabonds and unscrupulous of Libyans and foreigners, bestowal money to them and exploiting them in the dirty psychological and media war, against the Libyan people.
14. Bringing; magicians and charlatans from home and abroad, and their use of incantations, spells work and other superstition (legally and religiously forbidden) in order to fight against the Libyan people and revolutionary heroes.
15. Arming some tribes and regions and animosities them to their brothers in other areas, to add insult to spread the spirit of discord and animosity among them.
16. Cutting off communications or spy them in an exaggerated manner.
17. Cut water, electricity, communications and supply lines for any city arise against him, or are liberated from the grip of his wild security battalions.
18. Hit the oil fields and ports, which is the basic economic lifeblood of the Libyan people, and destroying many of its facilities.
19. Threat and attempt of the dividing the country, and threatened to strike the interests and enterprises of the countries participating in the protection of the civilian Libyans, those have been commissioned by the United Nations and the Arab League.
Based on the above, and given the many and heinous of his crimes, their length of duration, depth of impact, difficulty to erase their effects, and the expansion of the harm caused;
We invite (all the free world) to consider the tyrant "Muammar Al-Gaddafi " internationally as the worst criminal of all ages, and should be placed and classified within the historic criminals, such as: Nimrod , Pharaoh, Nero and Hitler, and even declare him superior to the Satan or the devil himself (in disbelief and crime). And therefore we call on to:
1. Enactment of all laws that criminalize and give deterrent punishment; to anyone who may openly glorify him (the tyrant) or show his love or respect, or call to any of his ideas or theories, or demonstrate any of his slogans; in action, words, drawing or writing.
2. Issue a precise legal definition of his gangsters, followers and disciples, and prevent them, with those suspected to be by them, from any administrative or political leadership positions, no matter how small, for a period not less than forty years, starting from the date of "Emancipation Proclamation".
3. Ban, criminalize and prevent the formation of any organizations, groups or political, social or civic bodies, calling for any of his ideas, theories or principles, or bear his name or any of his logos of slogans, forever, particularly in Libya and all over the world in general, and issue local laws, and seek to obtain universal laws to do so.
  • And if local and international community doesn't do so; it will:
  • Allow the denial of the previous HOLOCOST.
  • Allow the glorifying of HITLER and the NAZISM, and allow the Nazis and the Fascists back to political life all over the world.
  • Condemn Germany and other countries; which stopped, criminalized and excluded Nazism, Fascism, Ba'athism (of Iraq) etc. and consider those countries as guilty.   
Finally, we pray to God, to be behind our intent, guide us the straight path, and to bless our country, keep it safe and good, and give our people all the glory and prosperity.
Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions.